Title: Alphabet characters Dimension: Suggested Fabric: ~~14 ct. aida Stitches: Grid Size:~~~~~~~~~~358W x 355H Design Area: ~~~~~~~64.95 cm x 64.04 cm (358 x 353 stitches) Number of DMC colors: Average height of letter: APPROX. 55 stitches he...
Title: Alphabet with characters Dimension: Suggested Fabric: ~~14 ct. aida Stitches: Grid Size:~~~~~~~~~~386W x 315H Design Area: ~~~~~~~69,49 cm x 56,61 cm (383 x 312 stitches) Number of DMC colors: Average height of letter: APPROX. 50 stitche...
Title: Alphabet Gothic style Dimension: Suggested Fabric: ~~14 ct. aida Stitches: Grid Size:~~~~~~~~~~220W x 184H Design Area: ~~~~~~~39,90 cm x 33,38 cm (220 x 184 stitches) Number of DMC colors: Average height of letter: The approximate heigh...
Title: Alphabet inspired at Marvel Dimension: Suggested Fabric: ~~14 ct. aida Stitches: Grid Size:~~~~~~~~~~276W x 390H Design Area: ~~~~~~~44,99 cm x 69,49 cm (248 x 383 stitches) Number of DMC colors: Average height of letter: APPROX. 55 sti...
Title: Ancient wars - illustrated in stained glass Dimension: Suggested Fabric: ~~14 ct. aida Stitches: Grid Size:~~~~~~~~~~154W x 482H Design Area: ~~~~~~~27,94 cm x 87,45 cm (154 x 482 stitches) Number of DMC colors: Type of cross stitch requi...
Title: Animal Alphabet Dimension: Suggested Fabric: ~~14 ct. aida Stitches: Grid Size:~~~~~~~~~~358W x 229H Design Area: ~~~~~~~63,86 cm x 40,64 cm (352 x 224 stitches) Number of DMC colors: Average height of letter: APPROX. 45 stitches height ...
Title: Antique map of Paris 1860 Dimension: Suggested Fabric: ~~14 ct. aida Stitches: Grid Size:~~~~~~~~~~496W x 365H Design Area: ~~~~~~~89,99 cm x 66,22 cm (496 x 365 stitches) Number of DMC colors: Type of cross stitch required: FULL CROSS-...
Title: Banksy art - Neanderthal http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/banksy Similar: https://www.bonanza.com/booths/patrizia1972?utf8=%E2%9C%93 item_sort_options[filter_string]=banksy item_sort_options[filter_category_id]= item_sort_options[custom_cate...
Title: Banksy art - astronaut http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/banksy Similar: https://www.bonanza.com/booths/patrizia1972?utf8=%E2%9C%93 item_sort_options[filter_string]=banksy item_sort_options[filter_category_id]= item_sort_options[custom_catego...
Title: Banksy art http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/banksy Similar: https://www.bonanza.com/booths/patrizia1972?utf8=%E2%9C%93 item_sort_options[filter_string]=banksy item_sort_options[filter_category_id]= item_sort_options[custom_category_id]= comm...