Title: Big Ben and fireworks Dimension: Suggested Fabric: ~~14 ct. aida Stitches: Grid Size:~~~~~~~~~~441W x 287H Design Area: ~~~~~~~80,01 cm x 52,07 cm (441 x 287 stitches) Number of DMC colors: Type of cross stitch required: FULL CROSS-STITCH...
This is a CROSS-STITCH PATTERN of the shop LoveMyStitch! After executing the purchase, you will receive your pattern/patterns via e-mail attachment for you to download and print out, within 24 hours of purchase. You can download the following fi...
This is a CROSS-STITCH PATTERN of the shop LoveMyStitch! After executing the purchase, you will receive your pattern/patterns via e-mail attachment for you to download and print out, within 24 hours of purchase. You can download the following fi...
This is a CROSS-STITCH PATTERN of the shop LoveMyStitch! After executing the purchase, you will receive your pattern/patterns via e-mail attachment for you to download and print out, within 24 hours of purchase. You can download the following fi...
This is a CROSS-STITCH PATTERN of the shop LoveMyStitch! After executing the purchase, you will receive your pattern/patterns via e-mail attachment for you to download and print out, within 24 hours of purchase. You can download the following fi...
This is a CROSS-STITCH PATTERN of the shop LoveMyStitch! After executing the purchase, you will receive your pattern/patterns via e-mail attachment for you to download and print out, within 24 hours of purchase. You can download the following fi...
This is a CROSS-STITCH PATTERN of the shop LoveMyStitch! After executing the purchase, you will receive your pattern/patterns via e-mail attachment for you to download and print out, within 24 hours of purchase. You can download the following fi...
Title: Little angel Dimension: Suggested Fabric: ~~14 ct. aidaStitch Count: 331 * 248 stitches If you want to change the final size you will need to use a different type of AIDA. In this case the final dimensions will be the following: Size fo...
Title: R2- D2 robot Star Wars Dimension: Suggested Fabric: ~~14 ct. aida Stitches: Grid Size: 150W x 207H Design Area: 27,21 cm x 37,56 cm (150 x 207 stitches) Number of DMC colors: 19 Type of cross stitch required: FULL CROSS-STITCH You w...
This is a CROSS-STITCH PATTERN of the shop LoveMyStitch! After executing the purchase, you will receive your pattern/patterns via e-mail attachment for you to download and print out, within 24 hours of purchase. You can download the following fi...