Embark on a sensory journey with Cosmos atrosanguineus 'Chocamocha,' a captivating Chocolate Cosmos that marries visual beauty with an exquisite chocolate scent. A veteran of gardening charm, this half-hardy perennial has graced gardens since its debut...
Dahlia 'Badger Twinkle' is a show-quality variety, boasting curvaceous, spiky, fully double blooms that are perfect for cutting. The unusual petals of Dahlia 'Badger Twinkle' put this striking variety in the semi-cactus dahlia class although they are...
Dahlia 'Tropical Sheer Heaven' offers a harmonious palette of pink, salmon and lemon blooms. Each fabulous flower varies slightly in colour, offering a beautiful blend of blooms. Generous, 12cm flowers are produced in abundance from July to the first...
The De-humidifying House Plant Collection is a carefully curated assortment of house plants specifically chosen for their de-humidifying and air-purifying properties. This collection not only adds style to your home but also helps reduce musty smells,...
Elevate your garden's allure with the novel Dianthus barbatus 'Rockin' Red,' a remarkable interspecific hybrid that embodies a rich and bold shade of red. This exciting addition to the Sweet William family boasts pillar-box red flowers, creating a captivating...
Experience the enchantment of Foxglove 'Dalmatian Mixed' (Digitalis purpurea), a hardy biennial that graces your garden with its majestic presence. Perfectly suited for cottage gardens and woodland borders, these foxgloves exhibit a uniform branching...
The Easy-Care Houseplant Collection contains three varieties that are virtually indestructible and perfect for beginners to grow! Chosen due to their undemanding and low-maintenance natures, theres no need to pamper these plants. Each house plant...
Eryngium planum 'Blue Hobbit', also known as Sea Holly or Blue Eryngo, is a hardy perennial that brings exceptional flower power to the garden. These handy little plants are versatile and can thrive in different soil types. Eryngium 'Blue Hobbit' is a...
Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald 'n' Gold', also known as Spindle, is a well-known and reliable evergreen shrub that brings vibrant colours to any garden. This hardy plant features golden yellow variegated foliage, providing a bright splash of colour throughout...
Exochorda 'Blushing Pearl', also known as the Pearl Bush, is a delightful and compact deciduous shrub that will delight you with its pearly-white flower buds blushed with a delicate pink hue. This variety is known for its abundant blooms, making it a...