A very attractive light brown coloured, self binding gravel suitable for paths, cyclepaths and bridleways. The range of gravel sizes that make up this self binding gravel ensure it compacts firmly and resists movement when trafficked. Self binding gravel...
Impact resistant bark from British Forests. This Play Bark is not to be confused with play chip which is often sold as play bark but actually has no bark content at all. Our Play Bark is tested to BSEN4790:1978 and BSEN1177:2008 and is suitable for play...
A rounded 100-170mm white marble cobble from Turkey. The clean crisp white colour is sure to compliment any gabion installation. Features: Suitable for filling Gabion Baskets Approx 850kg or 0.6m3 per bag Delivery within 5 working days NOT suitable for...
The highest quality Pine Bark on the market. Premium Pine Bark is great for retaining moisture and suppressing weed growth in garden and general landscaping projects. Pine Bark is harmless to pets and children and also weather resistant. This product...
Puddle Clay has been used for hundreds of years mainly as lining in the construction of reservoirs and canals although the product is increasingly used for lining and capping of landfill sites to prevent harmful leaching. Historically Puddle Clay was...
A rounded 100-170mm multi coloured sandstone cobble originating from India. The various golds, beiges, mauves and terracotta tones make these Rainbow Gabion Cobbles one of the most attractive available and provides a great alternative to traditional angular...
Our 75-250mm Rustic Gabion Stone is an angular stone consisting of black, white, brown and buff shades and is perfect for Gabion Baskets. This product is predominantly Quartz but also contains Limestone and Flint. Rustic Gabion Stone is incredibly durable...
Our 100-200mm Silver Granite Gabion Stone also known as Cornish Grey is an attractive hardwearing silver/grey rock perfect for giving a contemporary look to your gabion project. The product is particularly unique, with a mix of different shades and the...
Granite crushed. Sizes range from 40mm down to dust to create an easily compacted aggregate. MOT Type 1 also known as DOT Type 1 named after the Department of Transport (DOT) specification for granular sub-base material is the most widely used approved...
Pure crushed Granite. This product has been produced to create a reduced fines aggregate but NOT zero fines. To the naked eye this product is very similar to Type 1 but from a technical standpoint they are very different. This product is fully certified...