These diodes have a metal-semiconductor junction instead of a P-N junction. Switching times can therefore be less than 0.1 ns. This makes them suitable for fast digital circuits and microwave systems.
These diodes have a metal-semiconductor junction instead of a P-N junction. Switching times can therefore be less than 0.1 ns. This makes them suitable for fast digital circuits and microwave systems.
Clamp Ø: 3 mm; Compatible with (details): DIN Rail 35 mm; Material: Spring steel; Plastic free packaging: Plastic-free packaging; Terminal Ø (max.): 6 mm
Clamp Ø: 6 mm; Compatible with (details): DIN rail 35 mm; Material: Spring steel; Plastic free packaging: Plastic-free packaging; Terminal Ø (max.): 8 mm
Lustre terminal; Number of pins: 12
Lustre terminal; Number of pins: 12
Lustre terminal; Number of pins: 12
Lustre terminal; Number of pins: 12
Lustre terminal; Number of pins: 12
Lustre terminal; Number of pins: 12