This Captain Marvel figurine follows the remarkable Pointiage® edition from 2023 and stands as an essential addition for collectors. The design impeccably captures the assertive and powerful qualities of the character, crafted with 427 facets and adorned...
To capture the formidable strength and imposing rage of Marvel’s renowned green character, this striking Hulk figurine has been meticulously crafted with exquisite detail. The design encompasses 578 facets, highlighting the precise detail of Hulk’s...
This extraordinary Iron Man figurine mirrors the craftsmanship akin to Tony Stark's creation of the iconic Iron Man Armor. Meticulously crafted with 723 facets, the character is dynamically brought to life in his signature colours, posing with the renowned...
Capturing the essence of Marvel's iconic character, this impeccably crafted Spider-Man figurine is designed to evoke a tingling sensation in your senses. The signature blue and red attire comes to life with 955 facets, showcasing Swarovski's master cutting...
The Swarovski Matrix full eternity ring is delicately crafted from base metal with silver rhodium plating. This beautiful ring features a full band set with blue cubic zirconia stones in a four-claw setting. Item Code: 5658671
The Swarovski Matrix full eternity ring is delicately crafted from base metal with silver rhodium plating. This beautiful ring features a full band set with blue cubic zirconia stones in a four-claw setting. Item Code: 5658671
Effortlessly minimalistic, yet adorned with stunning colour, these Matrix hoop earrings are a must-have for your jewellery collection. The flawless circle of round blue stones is meticulously set in rhodium plating, creating a refined blend of cool tones....
Each rhodium-plated piece showcases a circle adorned with baguette princess-cut stones in a captivating aquamarine tone, meticulously held together with a refined prong setting. This mesmerizing design strikes the perfect balance of elegance and allure,...
The Matrix Tennis Necklace by Swarovski is intricately crafted with mixed cut Swarovski Crystals and Cubic Zirconia stones. The all-round design of clear round stones combined with brilliant blue square stones create an elegant twist and has a rhythmic...
The Matrix tennis bracelet captivates from every angle, boasting clear round stones encircled by deep blue square shaped stones in a rhodium plated setting. The elongation is adorned with sparkling stones for extra detail. Elevate your celebrations with...