Garden watering made easyFlowers, shrubs and lawns also want to be supplied with water in dry phases. If you're not at home or just don't have time, you can rely on the irrigation computer - it takes over watering. The frequency can be set individually...
Reliable and powerful bilge pump.This text is machine translated.
Reliable and powerful bilge pump.This text is machine translated.
Reliable and powerful bilge pump.This text is machine translated.
Reliable and powerful bilge pump.This text is machine translated.
Reliable and powerful bilge pump.This text is machine translated.
For operation with solar elements or a 24 V rechargeable battery.This text is machine translated.
Reliable and powerful low-voltage submersible pump.This text is machine translated.
Reliable and powerful low-voltage submersible pump.This text is machine translated.
Reliable and powerful low-voltage submersible pump.This text is machine translated.