Hogwarts Legacy (Switch) is an open-world action RPG set in the world introduced in the Harry Potter books. Explore and discover magical beasts, customize your character and craft potions, master spell casting, upgrade talents and become the wizard...
Holy Potatoes is an adored franchise by fans across the world for their hot potato characters, vibrant world and satisfying progressive gameplay. Each title has you managing your starch-filled friends in a variety of environments. Badge Collector’s...
Welcome to the Holy Potatoes veggieverse! The home of wacky and wonderful spudtacular sim management games available in a box for the first time. Read more below... ...
Horizon Shift '81 is an explosive wave-based single screen shooter (shmups) with a real Retro feel to it.The player controls a ship in the centre of the screen, enemies approach from the top and bottom and the player is able to switch up and down...
Horse Club Adventures 2: Hazelwood Stories brings the popular horses from Schleich® to life once again while providing for many new adventures and quests. Players can immerse themselves even more deeply in the world revolving around the Horse Club™...
Let yourself be enchanted by Horse Farm - a delightful horse game for equestrian enthusiasts everywhere! Build your own horse ranch, keep beautiful horses, pamper your hooved pals and give your guests a vacation they won't forget! Multiple Horse...