46/115 x 1/4 TCT Bearing Guided Ovolo & Round Over 1.6mm Radius - Trend 46/17X1/2TC, Ovollo and rounding over bearing guided cutters are ideal for curved work, they can be used on natural timbers, man-made particles and fibre boards. Popular uses...
46/05 x 1/4 TCT 90° Template Profiler 6.3 x 12.7mm - Trend 46/22X1/2TC, Self-guiding cutters with bearings mounted for trimming and bevelling timber, lippings and plastic laminate edges for cabinet making, countertop production or any shaping applications....
46/05 x 1/4 TCT 90° Template Profiler 6.3 x 12.7mm - Trend 46/23X1/2TC, Self-guiding cutters with bearings mounted for trimming and bevelling timber, lippings and plastic laminate edges for cabinet making, countertop production or any shaping applications....
46/360 x 1/2 TCT Bearing Guided Chamfer 45° 35.1 x 12mm - Trend 46/360X1/2TC, These types of cutters are used for edging work and chamfer cutting on man made fibre boards, natural timbers and plastics. Tools are offered to produce various angles for...
46/360 x 1/2 TCT Bearing Guided Chamfer 45° 35.1 x 12mm - Trend 46/37X1/2TC, These types of cutters are used for edging work and chamfer cutting on man made fibre boards, natural timbers and plastics. Tools are offered to produce various angles for chamfering....
46/360 x 1/2 TCT Bearing Guided Chamfer 45° 35.1 x 12mm - Trend 46/37X1/4TC, These types of cutters are used for edging work and chamfer cutting on man made fibre boards, natural timbers and plastics. Tools are offered to produce various angles for chamfering....
46/360 x 1/2 TCT Bearing Guided Chamfer 45° 35.1 x 12mm - Trend 46/38X1/2TC, These types of cutters are used for edging work and chamfer cutting on man made fibre boards, natural timbers and plastics. Tools are offered to produce various angles for chamfering....
46/39 x 1/2 TCT Bearing Guided Rebate Set 35 x 12.7mm - Trend 46/39X1/2TC, Popular rebate sets which include different size bearings for a choice of rebates. They provide easy setting up and accurate depth of cut. Ideal for rebating straight and shaped...
46/39 x 1/2 TCT Bearing Guided Rebate Set 35 x 12.7mm - Trend 46/39X1/4TC, Popular rebate sets which include different size bearings for a choice of rebates. They provide easy setting up and accurate depth of cut. Ideal for rebating straight and shaped...