Image of USED Gitzo GHF2W Fluid 2-Way Head

USED Gitzo GHF2W Fluid 2-Way Head

The Gitzo 2 Way Fluid Head provides the highest performance for birdwatchers and digiscopers with medium-sized spotting scopes, as well as for wildlife photographers and videographers using premium CSC or DSLR cameras with lenses up to 200mm. Birdwatching requires support equipment with specific features, but almost all the heads used by birdwatchers are video- or photo-dedicated supports that are usually larger, heavier and more complicated than they ideally need to be.

Price: £ 239.00 from Wex Photo Video

Stockist Catalogue Product Name Price  
Wex Photo Video USED Gitzo GHF2W Fluid 2-Way Head £ 239.00 Visit Store