Image of Faithfull TW/R/5-16 Tap Wrench Ratchet M6 - M10

Faithfull TW/R/5-16 Tap Wrench Ratchet M6 - M10

Tap Wrench Ratchet Set M4 - M10 - Faithfull TW/R/5-16, Faithfull ratcheting tap wrench precisely constructed with an ergonomically designed sliding 'T' handle for fitting into tight spaces with ease. The ratchet can be set for right or left hand operations or fixed in the neutral position.The Faithfull FAITWRM6M10 has the following specifications:Tap size capacity: M6 - M10 Faithfull TW/R/5-16 Tap Wrench Ratchet M6 - M10

Price: £ 24.97 from Rapid Online Rapid Electronics Ltd.

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Rapid Online Rapid Electronics Ltd. Faithfull TW/R/5-16 Tap Wrench Ratchet M6 - M10 £ 24.97 Visit Store